dilate|dilated|dilates|dilating in English


[di·late || daɪ'leɪt]

expand, become wide; maker wider or larger, cause to expand

Use "dilate|dilated|dilates|dilating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dilate|dilated|dilates|dilating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dilate|dilated|dilates|dilating", or refer to the context using the word "dilate|dilated|dilates|dilating" in the English Dictionary.

1. Once an Aorta enlarges or dilates to 3.7 centimeters or greater, it may continue to dilate at an average rate of 2 millimeters per year, states HealthCentral.

2. It's yelling, bleeding, dilating.

3. Alin was ultimately diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, a condition in which the heart chambers dilate or enlarged, preventing the heart from pumping blood as well as it normally would

4. Dilated?

5. Pupils fully dilated.

6. To dilate the pupil.

7. Your pupils dilated.

8. I'll dilate on this subject next time.

9. The lungs dilate when breathing.

10. The pupils are fully dilated.

11. Laser treats the price of blood capillary dilate.

12. It also dilates the coronary arteries, so it stops angina.

13. The balloon will dilate with air.

14. Your pupils are dilated.

15. Bronchodilators have the potential effect of dilating small airways with muscle hypertrophy

16. This drug will dilate the arteries.

17. 9 Her pupils were dilated.

18. Her eyes dilated with terror.

19. The lecturer dilated onthat subject.

20. 2 Her eyes dilated with terror.

21. ( You 'll lose this plug as your cervix dilates in preparation for labor . )

22. You're not even four centimeters dilated.

23. 12 Her eyes dilated with fear.

24. 5 The cat dilated its eyes.

25. You're dilated to 7 centimeters.